I’VE BEEN THERE Ministries

A nonprofit working to bring a message of hope to a hurting world.

David is the founder of I’VE BEEN THERE Ministries (IBTM) — a nonprofit organization focused on bringing messages of hope to those who are hurting and to others who may be in need of words of encouragement to live another day.

We are blessed to live in a time where there are opportunities like this website to display and express passions through a multiplicity of communication channels. We invite you to come to this website from time to time to receive hope and encouragement.

Everyone leaves a legacy. It is David’s hope and prayer that his legacy is a reflection of his personal mission statement.

You can read David’s daily messages of hope on the IBTM Facebook page or add David as a friend on his personal Facebook page.

SOS (Share Our Savior)

A delightful story with a timeless message sure to warm your heart & put a smile on your face! 

David has written and recorded 12 nighttime devotional programs for pre-school and elementary age children.  He read somewhere that the most important words that a child hears in a day are in the last fifteen minutes of the day before they go to sleep.  Hearing stories, verses and songs about Jesus sounded like a good idea to David, so he set out to record one, then two, and eventually 12 SOS programs!

Find David on Facebook

Read David’s daily messages of hope!