Welcome to the Kingdom of Niceria! We’re so happy you’re here!

The Kingdom of Niceria


Imagine a small and peaceful kingdom where everyone you meet is welcoming and kind. Some might refer to this kingdom as “Niceria Nice.” It’s the sort of place anyone would want to live. It’s where kids respect their parents and other adults, people follow the rules and where there is mutual respect for authority, especially their generous and kind King.

But one day, the entire Kingdom of Niceria was rocked by a tragic event that required the help of every man, woman and child. This event changed the course of history by influencing a new way of thinking and living — not only in Niceria, but also in neighboring kingdoms and countries throughout the entire world, even to this day. 

King Tovardana 


King Tovardana is a humble servant leader of the Kingdom of Niceria. He is highly respected and has a reputation of generosity. One day, he gave a gift to every child in the kingdom. The gift didn’t seem particularly special at first — after all, it was just a ball of string. But it proved to be extraordinary.

Little did he know that this one generous act would have a profound effect on him personally. His words of instruction to the children and their obedience resulted in the birth of an unanticipated life lesson that continued to serve as a cultural value for generations to follow and even to the present day.

The String Thing

You may well ask, “How can a story about string become a legend?” See how a simple ball of string became a symbol of the power of cooperation and collaboration for an entire kingdom. Order your copy today!